Maybe I do hate the Sentry

Maybe I hate the Sentry.  Hate is a strong word.  I understand why other readers did not like him.  See this post  or this one.  I think the idea of a forgotten hero returning and discovering why he has been forgotten was interesting but maybe it would be better as a What If story.

I am not sure that anything done with the Sentry when he was brought ”back” into the Marvel Universe was very interesting. He joined the Avengers and had a mini-series or two. Also it was hard for me to believe that the Sentry was mightier than Thor or the Hulk.

I read some of the old comics, the Sentry was not there and no amount of retroactive insisting that he was changes that. I think untold tales or retcons can work but maybe the Sentry’s retcon was too much.

Soon Jeff Lemire will bring the Sentry back. Lemire’s talented maybe he can find some new angle on the Sentry and make him interesting. We will see. There is an old saying that there are no bad characters and any character can be made interesting.

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